Sunday, May 9, 2010

*make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you,
*put the award on your blog,
*let your nominated 10 know you've awarded them by leaving a comment!

Let's see. I give this to: Jokerman, Dandalily and Camelgirl
So since I can't find out the real history of this award, let's make one up
The Sweet Blogger Award was made by the great blogger god Blogger God to entertain the masses. The tag spread throughout the blogosphere until everyone had one. Then the fighting started. Two factions emerged, the first believing that the tag was for fun and everyone should be able to get one, the others believing it should only be granted to those worthy of the Blogger God's blessing. Furthermore, the blogosphere shattered into pieces, as everyone had different ideas as to what was meant to be written about for the tag. Eventually, after a major insult war and three cyber deaths, Blogger God stepped in and quelled the riots, wiping the minds of all but a select few of their memories of the blog war. The Sweet Blogger Award is currently a memorial to those who died, created by those who retained their memories. After the war was over the Blogger God declared (s)He would never again interact with the public and wiped its blog.

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